Oak Hill Collaborative: Graphic Design

Executive Leader | Mentor | Founder | Director

Kendra was the Technology Director for Oak Hill Collaborative which including IT and marketing. Kendra managed and hired graphic designers, monitored the online ads and promotions, and created some of the graphics as well.

Click here to view the Web Design projects Kendra has worked on with Oak Hill Collaborative.

High School Game Jam

The High School Game Jam was a STEM Education afterschool program Kendra developed through Oak Hill Collaborative to help inner-city students at the high school level get access to a course on how to make their own video game. Kendra taught the course, as well as promoting it. She developed the logo, splash screens and Google form. Kendra hired and managed a college student graphic designer to create the flyer. Kendra used Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and Google Forms.